
If you know what the risk is, you can do something about it

Assessment of Inherited Risk

  • Family Tree/ Pedigree drawing
  • Risk Assessment
  • Hereditary Cancer Syndromes

Drawing a family tree or “pedigree” can provide clues to whether or not your family has a higher risk of cancer than the general population. If an important gene isn’t working properly because of an inherited change (a mutation or variant), then the risk of certain cancers increases.

We use information that you provide to draw and analyse your pedigree. We can also help you track down important medical information about your family. It remains confidential.

You can download the Sydney Cancer Genetics Family History Questionnaire and discuss the completed form with your doctor.

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Genetic Counselling and Testing

  • Initial Mutation Search (eg Breast cancer risk genes)
  • Predictive Genetic Testing (eg BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes)
  • Founder Mutations (eg Ashkenazi Jewish)
  • Tumour Testing

Not everyone wants or even needs a genetic test. However, for some families a genetic test, performed on a simple blood sample, can provide important, useful information.

At Sydney Cancer Genetics, genetic testing is organised separately from your medical consult. There is never any obligation to have a genetic test. We make no money from any testing ordered so you know we are always acting in your interest. Personalised screening advice and risk reducing strategies can be provided, even if no genetic testing is done.

And, yes, you can have a genetic test even if you haven't had a cancer!

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Cancer Prevention and Risk Management

  • Personalised screening advice
  • Options to reduce risk
  • Family Planning Support

Most cancers happen more or less by chance. Mistakes occur in the DNA when a cell copies itself. If these mistakes are in growth genes or cancer protection genes, a cancer may develop. This kind of cancer is not inherited and tends to occur at an older age. We can discuss strategies to screen for and reduce your risk of this kind of cancer.

For some families, their risk of a particular cancer may be high. In these circumstances, screening should be personalised and should start at an earlier age. At times, specific surgery or medication may be the best option to reduce cancer risk.

If a high-risk mutation is identified, some couples may choose to pursue techniques such as IVF and PGD to prevent that mutation being passed on to the next generation.

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Our motto is Hereditary Health and Hope.